Happy Friday Everyone!
I trust your week has gone well! If you’re getting tired of February and winter, know you’re not alone. I saw this graph on Facebook this week and it feels about right this week…
But no matter what the weather may bring, and how much we may long for warm sunshine, we can know that God’s faithfulness and goodness doesn’t change like the weather, but in him there is no shadow of changing! (James 1:17) He is good towards you all the time, even if you feel crummy! Good thing our walk with Jesus is based in our faith in his promises and not in our feelings! Just thought you might need that encouragement today.
So, we’re excited about baptisms on Sunday morning. I have met with all those who have confirmed that they want to be baptized, and we’re going to be able to celebrate 6 people going through the waters of baptism on Sunday morning! What an exciting morning!
Some upcoming things…
- Seniors Dinner next Tuesday 10:30am
- Goodbye Generation Sunday March 4 6pm - ALSO Dave Sawler is offering to bring a team that weekend and do some youth outreach in our city. If anyone is interested in billeting some young adults, please let us know!
- We have a team coming together that are preparing to launch a mid-week children’s outreach on Wednesday nights that will run from March to May as a trial run, and hopefully launch full force in September! Please pray for the workers and for the families of our city to be impacted with the gospel this year!!
Please find attached the list of items needed by the Mission Team to Dominican Republic. They will be going April 6-13, so please bring in the items in the next couple of weeks!
Lastly, BOARD NOMINATIONS. If you are an official member of Evangel, we really need you to engage in the process and nominate people you think may do a great job in helping our Board team in giving leadership to our church. Our current board consists of Richard Blaquiere, Syd Wiseman, and Darren Wood. The positions previously held by Benjamin Kalenda and Jeanine Wesenberg need to be filled.
God bless!
Pastor Andrew